Serving Kitchener-Waterloo, Milton, Oakville, London, and the surrounding areas, Anchoridge Counselling wants to help support you and your loved ones living with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Autism Spectrum Disorders are a range of developmental and neurological disorders that affects how people relate to others and process information including communication and behaviours.
Symptoms usually first appear in the first two years of life and may include:
According to Autism Canada, these signs include:
Avoiding eye contact
Seems to ignore you
Prefers to play alone
Has excessive meltdowns
Has poor speech or loses words
Demonstrates limited pretend play
Does not “show you” or point to objects
Disorders included in the ASD include:
Asperger's syndrome
Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD)
Kanner's syndrome
Pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)
As a parent, it can be hard to come to the realization that your child has a developmental disorder, and overwhelming trying to not only navigate the diagnostic process, but also learn how to adapt at home so you can best support your your child and they can thrive.
How can counselling sessions help?
strategies for communicating with your child
understanding their limitations and how to work with them
coping with grief about expectations you had for your childs life, as well as worries over the future
How Do I Support My Loved One With ASD?
Many of us believe we can handle whatever life throws at us, but it is okay to need a helping hand sometimes.
As a part of a child with ASD, it can be emotionally overwhelming knowing how to best support them, not to mention the worry you have about them and their future.
We understand the feelings of helplessness and frustration of wanting to do what's best for your child, and not knowing where to turn when it all becomes overwhelming.
Our team of therapists will evaluate each person individually to determine what type of treatment is best. Treatment is customized to fit the specific needs of each person.
We use psychotherapy methods such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Solution Focused Therapy, and supportive talk therapy to help individuals connect with your thoughts and emotions around your work experiences. Our team will help you work through your concerns, develop new coping skills and build self-resiliency.
You are worthy of help, no matter how trivial you may perceive your problems to be. There is no shame in reaching out – our team will support and empower you, no matter what you're going through.
Below we've put together some local community resources that you may find useful as well.
Community Support Resources
Waterloo Region:
Halton Region:
Woodview Halton Autism Services
C.A.R.E Centre for Autism Remediation & Education
London & Brantford:
Thames Valley Children's Centre
Woodview Brantford Autism Services
Woodview Hamilton Autism Services