Serving Kitchener-Waterloo, Milton, Oakville, London, and the surrounding areas, Anchoridge Counselling is here for you when dealing with any issues surrounding parenting and children.
It's a wonderful privilege to be a parent. Many people look forward to becoming one at some point. But the truth is, parenting is not that easy, and it requires one to deliberately develop some essential skills. Parenting comes with its own challenges for every generation. However, today's parents have a far greater challenge - we are busier and more is expected of us.
From the moment a pregnancy or adoption is announced, most parents receive suggestions on how to raise their child. Paediatricians provide information on health and safety, the media offers extensive (and often conflicting) advice on parents, while family members have varying opinions on what is best for a child. No wonder parents feel overwhelmed.
Parenting kids at any age can be challenging. Parents can find themselves struggling with their own mental health. Parenting challenges can make coping even more difficult. New parents struggling to sleep can affect mood, social isolation when babies are small or sick can leave people feeling alone, or giving up careers (short or long term) can cause someone to feel as if they lost a sense of purpose.
It's important to understand that not every parent needs parental counselling. Parenting can be tough, and it can trigger or worsen your stress levels. Tension, stress, and strain, when combined with a lack of sleep or poor life choices, can lead to parenting issues (ie. postpartum depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety depression, etc), which can interfere with your ability to be the best parent you can be.
Every family has its own unique problems. Some issues are common to most, if not, all parents; financial problems, childcare arrangements, marital problems, children who are having problems in school, and relocation. Some are less universal but still affect your ability to successfully parent, including; loss of a job, mental health diagnosis, addiction, and a loved one with a serious and/or chronic health condition, illness, disability, or injury.
These stressors and circumstances are a normal, inevitable part of family life, and parents need to learn ways to cope so that they don't feel overwhelmed by them. The truth is, people, tend to assume that parenting just comes naturally when for the most it doesn't.
How do we work with parents?
Seeking out parental counselling does not mean you are a bad parent. At Anchoridge Counselling, we recognize the stressors that come with being a parent, and the pressures to model positive behaviours. We understand that even under ideal circumstances you are still human and that it is normal that "teachable moments" happen, and it's okay to ask for help. Our team of therapists will evaluate each person individually to determine what type of treatment is best suited. We use psychotherapy methods such as:
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
Supportive Talk Therapy
Solution Focused Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) help individuals normalize the emotions that are connected to parenting issues, and to help navigate the hurdles of raising a child.