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Serving Kitchener-Waterloo, Milton, Oakville, London, and the surrounding areas, Anchoridge Counselling wants to support you with any issues you may have surrounding body image and self-confidence.


How often have you looked in the mirror and said,


"If I could just lose ten pounds, then I would be happy"


"Nothing looks good on me"


"I'm so fat, I can't wear this"

We live in a society where there is a great deal of pressure to look a certain way, and therefore, many people do not accept their bodies. In a culture that values thinness and appearance over inner values, it can be hard to love and accept your body the way it is.

Body image difficulties are often symptoms of something deeper going on. It may find its root in trauma, but it can also be the result of criticism, health challenges or the persistent conditioning viewed through mainstream culture.

Unfortunately, we live in a society where we feel that our bodies define who we are. Although a large portion of people is displeased with their bodies, the body image difficulties can be part of more complicated problems, including body dysmorphia, eating disorders and severe depression. Just because our society is obsessed with looks and weight, that does not mean we have to passively accept the negative messages we receive about our body.

So, how do I gain confidence?

Body image is not rigid, but ever-changing. At Anchoridge Counselling, we recognize that it isn't as easy as "loving yourself", but moving to a place of learning acceptance and compassion for who you are. Our team of therapists will evaluate each person individually to determine what type of treatment is best. Treatment is customized to fit the specific needs of each person. We use psychotherapy methods such as:

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Supportive Talk Therapy help individuals gain insight into the underlying causes of your critical voice, challenge the voice and maintain a positive relationship with yourself and your body.


Have you ever had thoughts, such as, “I am not good enough”… “Why try, I won’t succeed”... “I won’t be liked or accepted” … “I can’t believe I said that. They’re going to think I’m such a loser”. Or have you worried that others will pull away if they see you the way you perceive yourself?


Self-esteem is the degree to which one feels confident, valuable and worthy of respect. Many people often identify with having either ‘high’ or ‘low’ self-esteem. Sometimes, people find that their self-esteem varies depending on the situation. Your perception of self-esteem, or lack thereof, can be influenced by biological, environmental, social, cultural factors or any combination.


When someone has low self-esteem, they have a negative, disapproving view of themselves and inability to look beyond their limitations and problems. Sometimes they will engage in criticism of themselves and others, overreact when they are criticized, engage in self-sabotage and self-destructive behaviour, and sacrifice their own identity to fit in. Additionally, it is common for low self-esteem to trigger episodes of depression,
social anxiety, panic attacks, and behaviours such as addiction, withdrawal from others, isolation and giving up on yourself and your dreams.


The way we relate to ourselves shape the way we relate to others and the world around us. When we live life with the belief of being “not good enough”, we assume others will also see us in negative ways. When we have a low sense of self-worth, we overestimate the possibility of failure, and underestimate our ability to cope with the inevitable obstacles of life, creating a sense of hopelessness, guilt, or even shame. This is a difficult way to live.

So how do I get healthy self-esteem?

The good news is that you can discover what is holding you back and build up your self- esteem. At Anchoridge Counselling, we understand the dynamics of low self-esteem and it can play an unhelpful role in your mental and physical health. Our team of therapists will evaluate each person individually to determine what type of treatment is best. Treatment is customized to fit the specific needs of each person. We use psychotherapy methods such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Self Compassion and supportive talk therapy to help individuals learn positive, realistic, authentic self-esteem and feel confident to cope with challenges and disappointments, as well as experiencing love and acceptance from


There is no shame in reaching out. Know that you are enough! The most important relationship you will have is with yourself, and we can help you regain or develop your self-esteem.


Here are links to a few of our clinicians who specialize in counselling around Body Image, Confidence and Self-Esteem.










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