Solution Focused Therapy is practiced in Kitchener-Waterloo, Milton, Oakville, London and the surrounding areas. Anchoridge Counselling takes pride in the therapy practice offered to help clients with individual needs.
Many traditional forms of therapy analyze problems by taking a deep dive into past experiences, whereas Solution Focused Therapy (SFT) does not dwell on the details of why or how things came to be, but addresses the here-and-now, concentrating on present-day solutions. Rather than putting time and effort into the past that can not be changed, Solution Focused Therapy aims to help individuals put their best foot forward in the present. This form of treatment is understood as being future-focused and goal-directed to help construct solutions for the problems one may face. This approach identifies and builds on the strengths and capabilities that the individual already has.

Solution Focused Therapy follows the thinking that nearly everyone can be motivated to find solutions. By helping people focus on what is working, it theorizes that small, positive changes could produce a ripple effect.
The therapist helps the individual work to identify what the goals are, to envision what their life will look like when their goals have been accomplished - or when their problems have diminished to the point whereby they are no longer a serious issue - and what aspects of their goals are already being achieved to some extent. Solution Focused Therapy is a constant collaborative process between the therapist and the client to identify goals and develop solutions.
One of the most important strategies with this method is known as the "miracle questions". The use of the miracle question is to allow individuals to take small behavioural steps that will eventually lead towards viable solutions in the context of everyday life.
Intended to open lines of creative thinking, an individual asked, "If a miracle occurred while you were sleeping, what changes would you notice in your life when you woke up?"
This helps an individual see a future in which they are not being held back by presenting issues, and in which they are able to work steadily towards their goals. The act of identifying strengths, resources, personal qualities, and networks around them is empowering, in and of itself. Additionally, it reinforces the idea that the future is something that we can create and that individuals are not determined by their pasts.
With Solution Focused Therapy the client is labeled as the expert and is supported by the therapist to create solutions that may bring about change and then outline the necessary steps to overcome their challenges. Solution Focused Therapy heavily relies on a clients level of motivation to to address their problems and actively work towards finding solutions to improve their quality of life.
Research has found that Solution Focused Therapy is especially beneficial for youth experiencing behavioural concerns or school-related concerns. Solution Focused Therapy has also been found to be an effective approach to family and couples counselling. Anyone who is having difficulty living a healthy and happy life because of their circumstances or mental health can benefit from Individual Counselling.

Solution Focused Therapy is about finding realistic and workable solutions for clients that can be used to overcome common everyday life stressors and high-impact life stressors and situations.