Motherhood brings many mixed feelings including excitement, fear, worry, and happiness.
It is also a time of immense change; including change in one’s identity and typical routines.
Let’s be honest, being a Mom is a hard job that often goes unappreciated and it’s completely normal for it to feel overwhelming. There is often this vision of wanting to be the “perfect mom” but if we’re being honest, being the “perfect mom” means being there for not only your child but also for yourself.
It’s common, and completely normal to have mood changes within the first 2 weeks after giving birth; some of these changes are related to hormonal shifts and the demands of motherhood including lack of sleep, but they may also be signs of postpartum depression so it’s important to know and understand these symptoms so you can reach out for support early on.
If these symptoms get worse, it can become difficult for you to care for your baby or complete everyday tasks, and it may even lead to you having thoughts of harming yourself or your baby.
Postpartum depression symptoms include:
Feeling critical about those around you - including your partner. Your partner may feel like they can’t do anything right.
Feeling angry and short-fused at all times. Experiences of joy are nonexistent or fleeting, no matter how hard you try to grab onto them.
Not being able to live up to your own expectations of being a mom - never mind the expectations of everyone else
Losing interest in the things you love: you don’t find yourself laughing at your favourite funny movie or participating in your hobbies
Withdrawal: you pull away from loved ones instead of reaching out for help
Difficulty with decisions: feeling unfocussed and overwhelmed when it comes to making even small decisions
Changes in appetite: do you still enjoy your favourite foods? Do you still feel like eating?
If you relate to one or more of these symptoms, or just want someone to talk to outside of your family, we are here to support you. Our goal is to help you navigate the often rocky transition to motherhood and all the feelings and challenges that it brings with it.
Here at Anchoridge Counselling, we have clinicians who not specialize in postpartum depression but also understand what it’s like to be a mom.
If you're seeking support, we have several clinicians who can help: registered social workers Jennifer Aubrey and Mary Katherine Lowes, as well as Registered Psychotherapist Carrie Connelly.
Contact us today to book your complimentary intake assessment and get the support you need.